Thursday, May 28, 2009

Get ready because.....

Gloria the Magnificent can't wait to stretch her legs. The time has come.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Paris, Vienna, Elissa, Eva, 17 and returning soon.

First off, I would like to apologize for the long gaps between blogposts. I don't have any excuses but will try to post more regularly as my time here draws to a close.

So, my two week whirlwind adventure. Oh yea, that's right. Paris. Vienna. Let me just say that they were some of the best two weeks of my life. Filled with little sleep, lots of roaming city streets, people watching, coffee, amazing food and seeing people who I haven't seen in quite a while.

I got off the plane in Paris without really realizing I was in Paris and still a bit worried that I was going to mess up the subway and end up not meeting Daniel (cousin). But, I made it. I did it!! That was the best feeling. Let me say, that my sense of direction is TERRIBLE. But, I didn't even get lost in Paris OR Vienna...well, maybe one time, but that doesn't count. As I met up with Daniel, my thought process was a bit nonfunctional. "I am in Paris. I am in Paris. I am IN PARIS!! and am going to meet up with friends and have total freedom................I AM IN PARIS" and I couldn't stop smiling. It just took me a while to deal with the information.

While walking to meet Elissa, I remember last year, talking about a possible Paris trip.

Violet "What if we met up in Paris for my birthday?"

Elissa "We would be the coolest people ever."

Violet "Yea, but I can see it not happening."

Elissa "But still. Just imagine."

and it happened. That part still amazes me.

Meeting up with the other Tam kids was crazy as well. We also went out to dinner with a woman from Mill Valley, which was a big slap in the face of Marin Mom. But, you know, it was all in good fun.

My birthday was a really memorable experience as well and might have been better than my Bat Mitzvah. Just kidding. It is a story for a different day.

So, after spending a week walking around PARIS and staying my father's cousins. I went to stay with my mother´s cousins. oh man. I had been to their apartment before but I had forgotten how movie like it was. Claaassssssssyyyyyyyy. A leafy Parisian neighborhood. A large expanse of nicely decorated rooms, amazing art and a feeling of being engulfed in that safety net that money always seems to provide. He enjoys pipe smoking (so classy) and explained the differences between the wood grain, shape, and make of the pipe. So, if I ever pick up this "hobby", which I just might, I am equipped with all of the information. It was there were I also had my first conversation about college. What fun! I forgot the pressure and terrible feeling I got in my stomach as I thought about where I want to go and why Ivy league schools are NOT an option.

There is not room for me to describe every single day in Paris or every emotion that was felt, but just know that Paris is an amazing city and I had a fantastic time.

Vienna. EVA. It was so good to see her. But really. Vienna had a very different vibe than Paris. While Paris was gallivanting around, Vienna was more relaxed. Eva had school in the mornings, so I hung out in various places, going to museums, chilln in the sun on bright yellow benches and it felt amazing. One of the nights, Eva and I went to this awesome hangout place where I got to meet Eva's friends who are just as cool and nice as she is. I love meeting new people and traveling with Eva and even when being alone was really amplified by meeting all sorts of interested and interesting people.

So that was my trip.

side notes.

1. Being without my family (as much as I love them.....) was amazing. I could do WHATEVER I wanted whenever. No sight seeing was allowed and I got to experience both places with locals, which is always the best. ALWAYS. Going to hidden places, such as stores, cafés, musuems, and parks that aren't filled with tourists is always a better experience

2. Elissa is amazing. and funny. and smart. and so fun to be around

3. Eva has changed a lot from when she first came to live with us (and I am sure that I have as well). She is in school and studying HARD! Cooks and is so ADORABLE with her new love.


5. If I had more time, patenience, and skills, I would articulate my experiences better. but I don't, so this will have to do.

I still need to write about my class trip to Barcelona with 50 students, which should guarantee a good chuckle as we imagine little Violeta crying by the pool in the hotel (first time crying since December). It was THAT TERRIBLE. and SCARRING. and HORRIBLE.

I should also talk (refuse to use blog as a verb) about my amazing birthday party in the Campo, and all the love and good feelings that were shared, the mountains of Spanish candy and the all vegetarian lunch.

I should probably write about how next month (thats right!!) I will be meeting my family in Madrid and then on a plane back in Marin and then road tripping with friends. Yes Dad, the road trip is going to happen!! :)

Time is zipping by and I am oh so very happy 17.5 hours of the day. Minus the 6.5 hours that are spent in the torturous pit that they call ESCUELA.

SO. Thanks for dealing with me. I had fun speed typing this out on a Spanish keyboard.
